

New York, United States
it's been three weeks since my short trip to miami and it's high time i document it, because it was, good. i didn't think i'd ever go to down that way because i ain't no hot weather girl, but when there's a music convention with one of jay-z's producers held there, this city girl goes. and thank God for the Coast-to-Coast convention. The flight was on my 6 month anniversary of being in the States and i'm glad that i could mark this point so clearly. Because it was here that I found direction, phew.

love harder, the wynward walls // at LG airport // flying over a rainbow // coast to coast 2015 // the wynwood walls // hangin with my homeboy

During the very first panel, on the first day of the convention, this thought popped in: "i want to be a songwriter".  i know, er, duh? if you know me, i've been kicking it with the music game for awhile, but i've been this confused girl walking in halves as an artist and a songwriter. So after the all the things that were said, through everything that had happened the 18 hours prior, the energy of the room, that moment of clarity happened. I realised that my absolute, absolute jam is really just to write, no matter who sings it. and somehow everything started making sense. why my songs end up feeling displaced when collated together, why sometimes it's usher's voice that singing a lyric in my head and not mine, why i have a soft spot for country but want to make it in the hip-hop community, why i still wanted to keep my blog even though i could never post regularly.. this is why.
i didn't realise I would feel this way, but i feel free.

i'm scared and excited to hustle for this, but finding direction has made me feel so much stronger and somehow more myself. i always had trouble talking about myself as an artist, but a songwriter it's like, do you have the time? this convention shook me, questioned me, confused the hell out of me, but it angled my path. Hell it practically gave me a path. while i have felt the stress of this transition now, this feeling born out of that trip is something i hold to. And I'll never let go jack, I'll never let go. 

love and peace sign,

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