hey june


Trust me to write a blog post about June with 13 minutes left of it. I had planned to write this post at the start of the month but somehow it escaped me. It's been a pretty busy month this one, juggling work, going out, getting over being ill and having some of my bestest friends swing in and out my life in the past 30 days. It's been such an amazing month looking back. But that's not what this post is about (I'll save that for another day). 

I initially wanted to write about all the plans I was going to get on with this month, you know, the half calendar year attack. The "office" part of my room finally got set up with some etsy calendars i had bought and a purchase of a little dinky Lenovo Thinkpad that could and I had vowed to get on my way.  But it turned out to be such a full month  that that attack never quite conquered, I swear I didn't go out half as much as this back in Sydney. June turned out to be the month of lots of love, fun, goodbyes, new experiences and friends, and life lessons. May me, 30 days ago, might've been disappointed but I'm going to tell her to pipe down. It's slowly dawning on me how impatient I'm becoming just to get things done, that things are getting done without as much effort and detail as I really should give. So much so that a new friend even pointed it out and if someone new can point out something like that, then it must be pretty darn obvious. Oops.. 

So June, thank you for bringing me everything you did. Another big reminder to live and not rush. Gonna take this one board in July. Oh hey, it's exactly 12:00am on the clock. (freaky..)

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