

Warning: Aussies is in the snow will take pictures of everything. That's exactly how I felt when I walked around in my first few days in NY. It was so pretty.

(and one sneaky look outside my cousin's house in the Bronx, where I'm temporarily crashing)

When there's snow, every angle looked so nice, those movie scenes aren't exaggerating.. It was a big reminder that I was definitely far from home. While it's been so much colder than I'm used to, I've been quite grateful for how long winter has prolonged here in New York since I got to catch one day of it falling on the second day I was here. And while I was improperly dressed (which meant that yes, I did fall over once), I loved that I had snow falling on my face, ice drops in my hair and white footprints following me. Though I am secretly glad that I only had it for a day and feel pretty darn lucky at the thought. Till next year..!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got to see Central Park decked out in snow!


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