the week #01: (trying to) find my feet


Ooh, I'm starting a new series on tcb called "The Week". It's inspired by the weekly vlogs of my favourite youtubers but in blog format, so just a few (non-instagram) snippets of my week that don't seem like a full blog post on their own. Hopefully as I go on and get used to being "that jerk" with the camera (ie. this guy) there will be more snippets and better ones!

This week was the first calendar week spent in New York, something that as I write I don't really believe. But it's been a week of ups and downs to be honest. I've been quite on edge to get settled (find a place to live and work) and so I haven't spent much time being a tourist and spent more time feeling stressed and pooped about it. Oh and on craigslist of course. Now that this initial week is over, I'm feeling much more positive that I can get this all on the road.

One of my favourite finds this week was the Spotify playlist called 'New Music Tuesday'. I'm such a big sucker these days in wanting to keep finding new songs and artists that I like and this playlist definitely gave me a few gems. One of which was Kevin Garrett's 'Control'. Beautiful. The verse melody and the soft beat is really something is just the sort that gets me. Though hilariously the melody does remind me of a song I wrote but I swear it's different enough... Apparently KG also lives in Brooklyn so I might have to hunt him down (jokes. not.. i mean.. jokes,,).

I made one fun / unnecessary purchase this week and they were the Wet n Wild Megalast Lipsticks in Bare it All and In the Flesh. I love these lipsticks and at $1.99 each they're quite bargainous but of course I did it Mai-anne style and got them BOGO 1/2 off ;)

I made a pitt stop at Chelsea Market on Sunday in between house hunting and my first job interview (!) and it was a lovely lot of cute eateries and a marketplace in the far corner. Feeling rather unadventurous I got some much needed hearty lentil soup since I've been low on fruit and vegetables since getting here. Make that good fruit and vegetables. The produce here is well, uh, not what I'm used to back home... *sheepish grin*

Week 1 over and out. Week 2, up and at em!

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